Saturday, December 10, 2011


"And if I told you we live forever, Would you ever believe?  I love you so much more than forever
But now it's time for sleep"

Over the past year I've really dedicated a lot of time in searching for 2011's Crème fraîche of musicFor the most part it's been a disappointing year in terms of albums that will forever be on rotation of my beastly "top 25 most played songs" playlist which actually contains 750 songs. With that being said there have been a few bright spots, and one of the brightest is/was Trophy Scars -Never Born, Never Dead.
The first time i had heard or seen anything to do with trophy scars was went I home for leave in September, and my younger brother had just gotten the symbol on the center of album cover posted above tattooed on his forearm, which if nothing else told me that i've been missing out on something and i must indulge. As usual my brother's taste did not let me down.

This album is exactly what you've been longing for over the past year.

Incredibly smart, simple and complete lyrics on each and every song coupled with a transcendence of modern genres of rock and roll, Trophy Scars delivers a 7 song ep that will skyrocket up any music snob's most played music list.  From the opening bass-line "Messengers" to the closing verse of "Never Born" Never Born, Never Dead makes you want to open a speakeasy and hire Trophy Scars to be the house band.  All the cards are on the table with this band, and what you get is an ambitious, earnest album that showcases an understanding of making ambitious and not pretentious MUSIC.  Short and sweet, but completely unforgettable, Never Born, Never Dead never disappointments.

Favorite Tracks - Snake Oil, Never Born
For Fans of - Boardwalk Empire.

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