Friday, April 30, 2010

Strange Terrain

I'm typing this as Margot is standing in front of me eating a banana, she's wearing pink hello kitty pjs, she's holding the peel and just took the last bite....sorry shes real cute, and distracting. she's yelling at me now " DAADAA! De yi r(there you are)!" She pounds on the couch and points at me. Well tonight will be our first night in our new home in Japan. I'm not sure how i feel about it..i think i like it, but it doesn't quite feel like home yet, of course not. All of our furniture won't be here until the middle of june, which means i won't see my home fully furnished and decorated until I get back from deployment. I found out we're hitting up the philippines, thailand, australia, hong kong, and malaysia. Its mind boggling to me that i'm going to be able to say that i've been to those places. Any gift requests? I'm pretty sure i'm getting sebastian some Thai kick boxing shorts. Haven't really done any more Japan exploring, but our place is close to the west gate, so perhaps ash and I will explore tomorrow. I've been listening to bon iver and the new cicrva survive cd a lot. What have you been listening to?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Like Puzzles Pieces from the Day.

Woke up today, and jogged to the gym...which isn't as productive as it sounds because its less than a five minute jog, but i jogged nonetheless. I went straight to the basketball court, where i hoped for some morning warriors like myself to be ball'n it up, but empty gym which might have been even better than having anyone else there. I don;t think i've ever had the chance to ball out on a full court gym by myself like that before, it was the start to a good day. Hoop'd for about 30 minutes, then went upstairs to work my shoulders and back. got sweaty then went back to the hotel room where i was greeted by a giant Margot hug around my legs (those are the best). I decided to walk to work instead of take the bus, tried to figure out some short cuts, it was a little chilly outside. I really didnt do anything at all at work, but sit and wait for a phone to ring that never rang. My Admin Officer, Ensign Brown, returned to work after missing yesterday due to a basketball injury ( he tore his meniscus). He's a funny dude, he was a little doped up from his pain killers, so he was pretty entertaining. " Watch this, bet you didn't know McDonalds delivers here" he chuckles as he hangs up the phone. 20 minutes later i'm told to go downstairs to show the delivery person where our office is. At the bottom of the stairs a there is perturbed asian woman waiting holding McDonald's, " Ensign Brown pleasa." She requests. " Yes, follow me please," i reply. Little did I know that I was escorting Ensign Brown's furious wife/girlfriend (didn't really specify) to her gimpy Boo. She yelled at him for a bit, and stormed away, but not before saying "thank you very much" to me. The Japanese are so well mannered. I got to watch the last minute of DAAAAAAAAAAA BULLLLS victory!! Bulls. After work Ashley and I got tickets for a tour of Mt.Fuji, and the Shiba Sakura festival(thats what the picture above is from) this sunday! So excited. We also stopped by housing, to put our names on the waiting list for a house on base. Base housing i'm told usually takes 2-4 months to get into, so a lot of people end up having to move out in town, but just our luck there was a two bedroom apartment that just opened up, and we're going to be moving in next Friday!!! Wohoo!! Very good day, I'm watching Ponyo with Margot and the wife now. I miss everyone a lot, but I really feel like this is where we're suppose to be right now. Oh yeah...I go out to sea for a month, come home for a week, then leave for another 2 and half, so Ashley and Margot should be home in the middle of June at the latest. Leave me comments if you read this por favor!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shaved Head

I shaved my head today. new start. met my command, not sure what I think yet.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 1 and 2.1 The Arrival

We walked off the plane to silence, almost the complete opposite of arriving at O'Hare airport, where it's instant chaos and everyone is moving like they're lives are more important than everyone else's. Tokyo= silence. Everyone is walking normally, and almost no one is talking, while soft music plays as we cruise on the moving sidewalk. (Aqueous Transmission) We have no idea where to go, so we follow the baggage sign, and end up at a bus stop that looks like it takes us to another terminal. Ashley and I try to wait patiently, but Margot was running on about two hours of sleep on a 13 hour flight. Margot is raging. Margot tries to in circles in her stroller and face turns from fair to violent red in the blink of an eye. A Japanese stewardess walks up to her and gives her "JAL" airlines sticker, giggles and walks away. Margot throws it on the ground and continues her tirade. Oh well, her loss, I love stickers. We arrive at the next building and see all of our luggage lined up on the floor below us, take the elevator downstairs where we a greeted by two young Japanese women. First impression of Japanese people is that they're extremely kind, and helpful.....well most of them, after we load up all SEVEN bags that we checked onto two separate carts, we make our way through the customs counter, but not before the highlight of day ONE occurs. A Japanese woman walks past me with fury in her eyes, and they're locked onto an oblivious older (like 45 or 50 years old) man. "**$*%&^ OI*&)( !@#$%*" she yells as you starts unloading chops to the man's head and chest. He looks stunned, but doesn't defend himself. After five chops the woman turns and flees the scene. The man turns, and looks forward as if nothing had happened. Somehow Ashley didn't see it.

To be continued.