Thursday, April 22, 2010

Like Puzzles Pieces from the Day.

Woke up today, and jogged to the gym...which isn't as productive as it sounds because its less than a five minute jog, but i jogged nonetheless. I went straight to the basketball court, where i hoped for some morning warriors like myself to be ball'n it up, but empty gym which might have been even better than having anyone else there. I don;t think i've ever had the chance to ball out on a full court gym by myself like that before, it was the start to a good day. Hoop'd for about 30 minutes, then went upstairs to work my shoulders and back. got sweaty then went back to the hotel room where i was greeted by a giant Margot hug around my legs (those are the best). I decided to walk to work instead of take the bus, tried to figure out some short cuts, it was a little chilly outside. I really didnt do anything at all at work, but sit and wait for a phone to ring that never rang. My Admin Officer, Ensign Brown, returned to work after missing yesterday due to a basketball injury ( he tore his meniscus). He's a funny dude, he was a little doped up from his pain killers, so he was pretty entertaining. " Watch this, bet you didn't know McDonalds delivers here" he chuckles as he hangs up the phone. 20 minutes later i'm told to go downstairs to show the delivery person where our office is. At the bottom of the stairs a there is perturbed asian woman waiting holding McDonald's, " Ensign Brown pleasa." She requests. " Yes, follow me please," i reply. Little did I know that I was escorting Ensign Brown's furious wife/girlfriend (didn't really specify) to her gimpy Boo. She yelled at him for a bit, and stormed away, but not before saying "thank you very much" to me. The Japanese are so well mannered. I got to watch the last minute of DAAAAAAAAAAA BULLLLS victory!! Bulls. After work Ashley and I got tickets for a tour of Mt.Fuji, and the Shiba Sakura festival(thats what the picture above is from) this sunday! So excited. We also stopped by housing, to put our names on the waiting list for a house on base. Base housing i'm told usually takes 2-4 months to get into, so a lot of people end up having to move out in town, but just our luck there was a two bedroom apartment that just opened up, and we're going to be moving in next Friday!!! Wohoo!! Very good day, I'm watching Ponyo with Margot and the wife now. I miss everyone a lot, but I really feel like this is where we're suppose to be right now. Oh yeah...I go out to sea for a month, come home for a week, then leave for another 2 and half, so Ashley and Margot should be home in the middle of June at the latest. Leave me comments if you read this por favor!!


  1. Hey friend!! Glad to read that things are going well for you guys--you sound excited to be there and embarking on a new adventure. Say hi to your ladies for me!


  2. glad things are good man, i miss you guys too and christian your writing is easy to read and is funny so i will keep glued to this blog.

  3. That's so awesome you guys are getting a house on base!! are they big??? ooooo so i can start planning a seester late bday party!!!!
