Monday, December 12, 2011

La Dispute - Wildlife

"And time can be such a funny thing, always moving to the future, Glorifying the past and amplifying the pain in frames and glass."

There are songs on this album that are hard to listen to. There are songs on this album that make you think. There are songs on this album that can make you cry. Seriously. If you've never listened to anything by La Dispute before you're in for a very unique experience. Lead singer Jordan Dreyer's unorthodox spoken word spasms into rage-filled outbursts will probably come off as too bizarre for most people to give this album a deep and true listen. For those of you who can handle it, I give you my word that this is one of the most visually stimulating albums you will listen this year. (i am completely aware that there are only 2 and a half weeks left of the year.)  
La Dispute brings its listeners into their lyrics, and many will find themselves lost between verses picturing themselves as ghosts, as parents, listeners will mourn and question while trying to understand Wildlife. "King's Park," reads more like a newspaper article and obituary than lyrics to a song, but nonetheless the song brings you into a murder scene as you float into reconstructed scenes from different perspectives of a senseless drive-by shooting that takes the life of an innocent bystander.  The most tragic being the final verse in which the shooter begs for forgiveness for his mistake as police surround his hotel. Another unique standout track is Safer in the Forest / Love Song for Poor Michigan, a ballad dedicated to the love of a once great state that is now slowly crumbling state. "Some winters never end."
My only qualm with this album is that there is almost too much emotion in every song, and during my first in depth listen, I was lugubrious almost the entire time, and though it's my one qualm its also one of the reasons i love this album so much.  Music is becoming too emotionless and pardon  my snark but most POP music is just so unintelligent, ie LMFAO, Black Eyed Peas, sorry if i offend....wait no i'm not. The last time i was touched by an album like this was last year when reviewing The National's "High Violet" which was my absolute favorite album of 2010.  The jury is still out for 2011, but Wildlife is definitely in the mix.

Favorite Tracks:  A Letter, Kings Park, The Most Beautiful Bitter Fruit

For Fans of:  Defeater, John Fante, Mystic River, thinking. 

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